
Welcome to Check-Me-In, the one stop for checking in with your friends, family, and just about anyone.

Here’s how it works…

  1. Type a message
  2. Pick your group/contact
  3. Set your parameters
  4. BOOM… Piece of mind, knowing that you are safe if you don’t check in

Who Needs this app? EVERYONE!

Who needs to Check-Me-In? 



Old People & Young People (Family):

Busy Parents:


Do you adventure off the grid? Do you do things you don’t want to tell your loved ones about (but still might need help)? Do you want to let friends and family know you made it back? (or didn’t)? Check-Me-In is for you!


Want to make sure your crew gets home at the end of the night? Want to make sure your bestie made it home safe? The new phrase is Check-Me-In… Alright?


Young people and Old people alike struggle with independence and autonomy issues associated with safety and mobility. Check-Me-In solves the question marks allowing those we love to maintain autonomy.

Regardless of why you Check-Me-In, Its about connecting the things you love…

Download NOW to try for FREE for the first 5 check-in’s, $5 /mo after that or $45 yr